Web 3.0 Is Here- What That Means For The Creator Economy

You’re not too late…yet

Kevin Alexander
2 min readOct 25, 2021


Photo: Expert.ai

The last massive change in the web roughly 15 years ago. Web 2.0 saw a shift from static web pages and browsers to social media platforms (when we all became friends with Tom from MySpace). It also gave rise to the smartphone and an immersive app experience.

Today, we’re on the edge of the next shift- to Web 3.0.

What’s Web 3.0?

Think of Web 3.0 as a marriage between a few things:

  • Spatial Technology like AI & VR
  • Decentralized social media- a move away from walled gardens like Facebook, and a democratization of information access.
  • An economy run on blockchains and cryptocurrency where creator coins are enabling direct transfers of wealth from consumer to creator.

These are remaking how the internet works and the way we use it.

I have seen this in action with people purchasing/rewarding my work directly on sites like BitClout and CloutPub. It’s not the first time I’ve been paid for my creative work, but it’s thrilling to see it as a direct transaction with no gatekeepers & no one taking a cut.



Kevin Alexander

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |